Saturday, May 31, 2014

Break Number Two

Over the past few years, I've learned many different lessons.

I've grown in my understanding of the love of Christ.

I've realized the importance of making time for God.

I've learned the unforced rhythms of grace.

Some days I find it takes courage to grow up and become who you're meant to be, and other days it's alright to be authentically chaotic, a beautiful mess. I've learned to let myself weep when I need to, whether over the good or the bad. I've learned that people can teach you much, if you let them share with you their thoughts and opinions. I've found that community is the sweetest gift and that some days I need time to myself.

Growth is a part of life, and it's certainly an element of this road that I'm walking alongside with my Savior.

This journey that we're traveling through together.

One lesson that I've learned to value is the idea of presence: being fully aware of where you are, who you're with, and what you're doing. With each moment that I have I want to breathe life into other people, and I cannot do that if I am not fully present mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

During the school year I'm easily able to balance school, church, work, and blogging without feeling too stretched or spread out, but as summer has approached I've felt the Spirit pressing in more and more for me to withdraw myself from aspects of my daily routine so that I can devote more of myself, all of myself to the places I will be and the people I will be with this summer. So, because another lesson I've been learning over time is to respond to the promptings of the Spirit, I have decided to take a blogging break. There aren't rules or restrictions to all of this, for that seems to be toeing the line of legalism, which I am always weary of. My plan is to withdraw from blogging and social media significantly, while at the same time making sure to keep in touch and do a bit of updating every now and then. I ask for your grace during my period of silence, and I thank you for leaning into this quiet time with me.

For now, I leave you with a few thoughts and words.

Firstly, I am requesting your prayers. Currently I am en route to Portland, Oregon with my friend and fellow intern, Chris. We are both working for a church up in the great hippie state, and we couldn't be more excited. We ask for your genuine thoughts and kingdom words. Our desire for this summer is that our hearts are aligned with Gods, so that in all that we do and say we are moving and breathing with God to love humanity.

Secondly, I want to leave you with a bit of encouragement. My hope right now is to send some truth your way, to give you strength and empowerment and all sorts of good vibes.

Wherever you find yourself right at this moment, I hope you know who you are.

You are a child of God, and you are made to love and be loved.

There are many labels for us in the world today: fat, skinny, ugly, pretty, stressed, calm, smart, stupid, etcetera, etcetera and we both know that I could go on for days and days.


I want us all to set aside worldly labels and names and let the only one that matters wash over us: children.

We are children, and we are made to be free.

It's a title that is simultaneously vague yet clear, and over time I've uncovered a bit of what it means exactly. Each day I uncover a little bit more, for every day God teaches me a bit of what it looks like to live out my identity as a kingdom child.

This summer, I want to encourage you to discover a bit of that identity for yourself. Open up that Bible and study it real well. Delve into the pages and ask the hard questions. Get elbow deep in struggle and wrestle with the text. Fall on your face in sweet surrender to the One who is big enough to handle your thoughts and questions. Let yourself be loved by the One who is love. Move out into this world and spread that love far.

The Spirit of God is moving and breathing, and every one of us is invited to move and breathe and live right alongside as the kingdom is spread and heaven collides with earth.

This summer, I hope you do beautiful things.

I hope you slow down some days, yet know in your soul that adventure is worthwhile. I pray you are gentle with yourself, because we're all messy but I think we're trying hard. I encourage you to invest in real people, because its healthy to live vulnerable and connected.

Search your being for the places of fear, then choose to not live from such places. Let the perfect love of Christ cast out your fears, because you are not made to be ruled by them.

You are made to be victorious and confident and amazing and free.

It's funny; I'm really against the theology that preaches sugar and spice and everything nice. The prosperity gospel is inaccurate and we should not ignore life's hardships or God's wrath. At the same time though, we are not meant to be depressed, condemned, shamed, or defeated.

We are made for the resurrection life, and the scriptures shout that concept loud and clear.

And like, someone needs to hear that today (I need to hear it every day).

For freedom you have been set free.

Who are you?

You are a child of light, and you're made to seek justice and love mercy and walk humbly with your God.

You are, as Sarah Bessey so eloquently wrote, made to be a peace-seeker. You are a Shalom Warrior.

You're a child of heaven.

You're a valued, precious earth baby.

You're a splendid, new creation.

And you're made for kingdom things.

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
-1 Peter 4:8