It's a post for all of the women, and today's is as well.
(Sorry, again, guys).
Lovelies, if you claim to believe in Jesus Christ, then you claim to believe in His love. You've taken on His calling: to live in love.
You can't live in love if you don't grow in your knowledge of love, and you can't pour out your life to other people if you aren't filling your cup up with truth.
One significant way to learn about love is to read from the source that tells us about it, about Him. Within the pages of the Bible, the Word of God, there is potential to grow us as Christians-as Christ followers and advocates of love.
And the world needs advocates of love.
So let's open up the pages. Shake off the dust, set aside any preconceived notions or perceptions, and pray to see the Scriptures in a new and enlightening way.
It's not about legalism. Don't view these words as advice informing you to utilize more spiritual disciplines in your life merely to check it off the list or because it will make you appear more godly or spiritual.
It's not about that.
These words are encouragement. I encourage you to delve deeper into knowing the story of your Savior, because in growing in your knowledge of Him, you will grow in your knowledge of love.
Jennie Allen, a captivating writer, blogger, author, and speaker, has been so enthralled by this notion of encouraging women to dwell on the Word, to know Jesus more, that she has founded a non-profit called If: Equip, which provides a free online resource to women all over the world who want to learn about Jesus in hopes of allowing His love to infiltrate their, our, hearts and souls so that it outpours from our mouths and actions to bless other people. If: Equip is based on the idea that if Jesus is the Christ, then what? If what we claim to believe is true, then what does this mean for our lives today?
If: Equip gathers women who love God together to study the Word and discuss their thoughts and revealings to one another. It's sort of an online devotional, a way to connect spiritually with other women via cyberspace. On the website a passage is presented along with questions to ponder. Female leaders are videoed giving their input on the scripture reading and they discuss original context, original intent, and how the passage applies to people today.
It's a way to be intellectual and passionate about Jesus at the same time, a goal for all of us, especially us Jesus Feminists, to strive for.
Below is a video of today's reading and commentary by Sarah Bessey and Rebekah Lyons.
For further information on If: Equip check out this page.
Spend time in the Word today. Receive wisdom and revelations of light from the Holy Spirit. Then live out the sweet love of Jesus.