'I beg you...to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer'.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
This is my favorite quote by any person, ever.
Lately, I have had conversations with multiple people who are stressed or anxious about one situation or another, but at the core they are all the same: they are discontent with the unknown.
Have you ever had a question that you desperately wanted to know the answer to? What will tomorrow bring? Who will win the game? Will I become a successful business man? Will I marry the person of my dreams? What did I make on the test? This major or that? How do I reach that person? When will the Lord come back? Will my plans go according to MY will?
Patience, my friend. The Lord calls us to patience.
When we don't know the answer to a question in our lives, we freak out. We think that knowledge being in our control will sustain us and bring peace of mind, but what about the next unanswered question and the one after that and the one after that? It is a never-ending cycle.
Perhaps there is a reason the answer to your question has not been revealed. The timing of His love is perfect. We, mere people, do not need to know everything. The Lord your God goes before you, and He will never leave you nor will He forsake you. A mighty fortress is our God. A sacred refuge is His name. He knows the plans He has for you. Do not let your heart be troubled or unsettled. An anxious heart leads to discontentment, and we must not forget that God's grace is sufficient. We need not worry about what we do not know or understand. I do not mean to live in naive ambiguity, but rather to strive after the heart and character of the Lord, and in that trust Him to reveal to you all you need to know.
One of my favorite quotes from the Lord of the Rings trilogy is when Gandalf assures Frodo, 'And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. What we have to decide is what to do with the time given us'.
Simply live.
Hope in love.
Trust in God. HE will provide your way into the answers by His purpose, which will prevail.
This is my favorite quote by any person, ever.
Lately, I have had conversations with multiple people who are stressed or anxious about one situation or another, but at the core they are all the same: they are discontent with the unknown.
Have you ever had a question that you desperately wanted to know the answer to? What will tomorrow bring? Who will win the game? Will I become a successful business man? Will I marry the person of my dreams? What did I make on the test? This major or that? How do I reach that person? When will the Lord come back? Will my plans go according to MY will?
Patience, my friend. The Lord calls us to patience.
When we don't know the answer to a question in our lives, we freak out. We think that knowledge being in our control will sustain us and bring peace of mind, but what about the next unanswered question and the one after that and the one after that? It is a never-ending cycle.
Perhaps there is a reason the answer to your question has not been revealed. The timing of His love is perfect. We, mere people, do not need to know everything. The Lord your God goes before you, and He will never leave you nor will He forsake you. A mighty fortress is our God. A sacred refuge is His name. He knows the plans He has for you. Do not let your heart be troubled or unsettled. An anxious heart leads to discontentment, and we must not forget that God's grace is sufficient. We need not worry about what we do not know or understand. I do not mean to live in naive ambiguity, but rather to strive after the heart and character of the Lord, and in that trust Him to reveal to you all you need to know.
One of my favorite quotes from the Lord of the Rings trilogy is when Gandalf assures Frodo, 'And so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. What we have to decide is what to do with the time given us'.
Simply live.
Hope in love.
Trust in God. HE will provide your way into the answers by His purpose, which will prevail.