Tuesday, June 5, 2012

If Life Had a To-Do List

Today's post is simple and sweet. I am a list person. I make lists for absolutely everything: what to buy at the store, what to do each day, what homework I need to have completed and when, how long and what nights I need to study, how many hours I need to spend working out, and any other topic you can imagine (I even schedule in naps). In college when my activities and schedule escalated in amount and length, so did my lists. One day, as I was looking at all of my lists for that week and musing over all of the tasks that had labeled as 'Essential', I realized that I tend to focus all of my energy on completing those specific tasks, the ones that have to be completed, all of which usually pertain to school or some organization. I began to think about how all experiences can bring us joy equally, not just the big things that we think of as more important than others. If we view tasks simply as 'things to check of the to-do list' and forget to have fun with it all, then what is the point of doing, well, anything? Life is not meant to be boring or one hundred percent serious. Do not mistake me, I do not mean that we should all be foolish. It is possible to still be godly and wise while having fun. I made a list of some little but important tasks that I want to continuously complete throughout my life to make the days more colorful and the experiences more inspirational.

~Unleash your joy
Embrace your truth
Pick more wildflowers
Leap fearlessly
Collect moments of kindness
Ask for what you need
Speak of your gratitude
Listen to forgiveness
Surround yourself with good people
Trust your creative spirit
Wear red shoes
Let it go
Don't forget to simply live and to live simply
Be intentional~

For me personally, I don't want to forget to continuously complete these tasks on the to-do list of life.