Thursday, November 22, 2012

While Nomming on Oatmeal

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lately, I've been dwelling on how simply blessed I am. Many times this past week I have been sitting at my table nomming on oatmeal, when it hits me how blessed I am to be able to eat, much less have food to consume. Thinking on those blessings causes a domino effect of other blessings coming to mind, and I realize just how much I have been given in this life, the most important being that we have been given grace upon grace. Yesterday, as I was driving home from College Station, I began to get irritated with how slow traffic was on Interstate 35. As I sat there wishing it would all hurry up, God convicted me of how blessed I am to have a car, a family to go home to, and more importantly, time with Him. Not only has He forgiven my sins and offered me everlasting life, He has asked me to be His friend and Beloved. There I was, sitting and complaining about how slowly time was passing and how boring the car ride was, when really I was being given time to spend with the Lord. Overwhelmed, I began to joyfully worship my Creator, and when traffic finally began to pick up, I was wishing for more time to sit and sing to Him (singing while driving is a bit more risky...but I attempted anyway). All to say, it's on my heart to blog about how we are blessed, yes, today, on a day that many recognize as a day of Thanks, but also every second of every day. All of us. We just have to take a step back, look at our lives, and acknowledge our blessings.

Blessings on my heart today:

Friends- how beautiful to have such sweet joys to do life with; to love, to laugh, to talk with.

Family- I so often take for granted how special mine is. Tell yours you love them today!

Oatmeal- But's my favorite food, other than quiche. How many people go hungry daily?

Laughter- This morning I absentmindedly texted two friends, 'Happy birthday', instead of, 'Happy Thanksgiving'. We got a laugh out of that one, and it's only 9:00. How I love laughter! Good thing it's the thought that counts...

Jesus- Jesus became human for many reasons: to die for our sins, to relate to every person, and to become our High Priest are simply a few. He had to become one of us in order to fully get the message of salvation through, identifying with the needs of every human. He made atonement for the sins of all people. When I ponder what the God of everything has done for me, a sinful person, my heart is overwhelmed. If anything, we have the grace of Christ to be thankful for.

Whoever you are and wherever you may be, take time to dwell on your blessings, whether it be one as overwhelming as the gospel of Jesus Christ or one as simple as a bowl of strawberry oatmeal. How sweet life is.