From my nephew who is sixteen months old and growing every day to my elderly grandpa who has experienced so much of this life, the grace of God is for us all. His great gift is the one I desire most.
Yesterday and today I looked around at so many beautiful souls that I hold dear to my heart, and as the snow fell down this afternoon creating a white heavenly blanket over the earth, I smiled on the outside and my heart swelled on the inside.
I am so blessed.
What if those faces ceased to exist? What if the snow didn't come? If today ended and I hadn't received one single wrapped present, I would still be content, because I have found the One who my heart desires. I have found the One who is strong and everlasting. I have found truth. I have found life.
'For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life'. -John 3:16
Each Christmas season our society devotes an entire day to give gifts, and every year I am reminded of the only gift that matters. Sacrificial love.
Another Christmas has come and gone and I am still blessed beyond my understanding. I still have family. I still have friends. I still have the opportunity of an education, a roof over my head, food and water when I want it (how many need it and are without?), and I still have breath in my lungs and good health. I am blessed and so undeserving. I am thankful. So thankful. Most of all, even greater than all of these blessings, is the future with my beloved Savior. I have a hope of restoration. I have an unspeakable joy. I have an assured peace. I have freedom. I have the best gift of all, and my heart is overwhelmed in the best way. Too often we forget that if His grace is an ocean, then we are all sinking.
So, even though I enjoy gift-giving and receiving, and even though snow makes my heart sing, and even though I love seeing dear family and sweet friends, there is one love that takes the cake. Among any gift that could ever be given, God-given grace surpasses them all. I must acknowledge He who has captivated my soul. I have to tell about the joy I have found in God, because there is no place that I'd rather be than here in His love.
I'm sinking in grace.