My current home church is Grace Bible Church in College Station, TX, and I absolutely love being a member. I agree with the doctrine, grow spiritually, and find beautiful community with uplifting and encouraging people, both young and old. Before I moved to College Station and joined Grace I attended Altamesa Church of Christ, a place that holds a special place in my heart and a place that helped to nourish my relationship with the Lord in immense ways before I left for college. I attended Altamesa for five years and cherish every memory and person there, and whenever I visit home and am able, I attend my old church. However, as time goes on it becomes more challenging to find Sundays to visit my old congregation for one reason or another. This morning I got the chance to attend the morning service for the first time in awhile, and I loved seeing familiar faces and dear friends who I used to see weekly, but more than anything I appreciated the unity that I saw and felt around me during worship this morning.
Altamesa differs from Grace in various ways-one being worship style-and although now in college I am accustomed to singing with instrument accompaniment, I do enjoy worshipping with a cappella and hymns the way I was raised from time to time. Hymns hold a different kind of beauty than contemporary songs that much of today's generation prefers. I don't believe that one way is better than another-the two styles are simply different (feel free to disagree, though my opinion of unity, based on scripture, is not necessarily in how we worship-other than a genuine heart, which is vital-but rather who and for what purpose we are worshipping). I loved worshipping with my old congregation this morning because, although it may be different than my current congregation at Grace, there was such unity. As we sang with just our voices, we were still worshipping the same God that I worship with a different group of people who prefer guitars and microphones. We were still worshipping the same Creator, and as we sang one of my favorite hymns, 'It Is Well', I was moved to tears because of the strong chorus of the Church-the body of Christ-that lifted up to the Heavens. It was overwhelming in the best way. This morning I experienced a strong reminder of what true unity of the body should look like, and I loved it.
One reason I appreciate hymns so much is for their structural differences to many contemporary songs. Hymns are often more poetic and lengthy, which is really beautiful because it shows the thoughts and heart behind the lyrics. Sometimes I sing or read a hymn and realize that language has evolved so much since the song was written that I literally do not understand what the song is saying, which is really fun because then I am able to look up the lyrics and gain a better understanding of what exactly the author is saying, which helps me to realize that often there is more to the song than I originally thought; often older language has more weight to the words because the definitions are more in depth than many words used today. All to say, hymns are beautiful and unique in their own way, and being given the chance to worship with them makes my heart swell as the words help shape my view of God in how the lyrics describe Him, which really is ironic because He cannot be described. He is indescribable, but we mere humans try our best to define a God who is undefinable with the lovely gift of language that He has given us. Our simple attempts to give glory back to an awesome and powerful God is what moves me to tears, because through this I am able to stand with fellow believers and proclaim the truth that we all believe whole-heartedly, and I am able to see His true beauty and be humbled before a glorious and loving God who gave His life for me, gives me present rest, and has promised to bring eternal rest with His return in the future. Standing and singing with other believers, crying out to the God who has saved us, lifting a glorious song because we are redeemed and we know it, this is my favorite way to see glory, because it is a glimpse of what the future holds, when all of Christ's people, restored, will sing to Him for all He has done. I absolutely can't wait. Unity in Christ is meant to satisfy our souls, and it does.
Such truth is well with my soul.