I've been challenged with the issue of trust over the past month as I've been job searching. After filling out endless applications, calling to follow up with multiple businesses, and going through plenty of interviews, I've been reminded that patience is a virtue and life isn't always expected. I'm not exactly someone who worries excessively, but I often have a problem with giving everything totally to the Lord. I'll tell myself that I've given it to God, but then I'll go and dwell on what I could be doing better or more often. Is this truly giving up my life to God? My most recent plan that I've wanted to hold onto is the one regarding summer and where I might be working, but in the past I've also had to learn to let go of my plans for my family, for friends, with school, and well, everything. We are called to give everything to the Lord, and that means declaring that God will be faithful. When we pray, we show that we have faith that God listens. When we wait on His timing, we are saying that we know God cares. When we ask for prayer from friends and family about circumstances in our lives, we are telling them that God is bigger than those circumstances. I'm often a captive to not necessarily my actions or my words, but rather my mind. When a situation arises in life, I often find myself asking, 'what if?' What if I forgot to send in my resume? What if I'm missing calls? What if they didn't like me? What if I should've said this or could've done that? The list goes on and on. I've learned a trick to overcome the 'what-if's' of life, and I must give props to a blog titled, 'She Seeks' authored by a blogger at Proverbs 31 Ministries. The trick is this: instead of saying 'what if' constantly, force yourself to think truthfully and positively. Ask yourself three questions of truth:
1) What do I know of God's power in my and everyone else's life?
2) When was the last time God brought me through a rough patch?
3) What biblical truths do I need to lean on in this time?
Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
Are we promised that this life will be perfect? Is life always fair? Of course not. We can say, however, that God is still good and that He works for the good of those who love Him. Even if all we see is darkness, we must hold on to these hopes: Christ will return, God will be faithful, and God has won with the power to raise from the grave. In the end, everything will be restored. Everything will be redeemed. This world be made right. As for right now, perhaps there is a reason that you are in the situation you're in. A friend mentioned to me to remember God's timing while searching for a job. If I'm doing all that is in my power to apply for jobs, then maybe there's a reason a door hasn't opened yet. If your situation is more dire and difficult, remember to keep in the Faith and pursue hope. I talk a lot about hope in this blog, but that's simply because it is the point of Christianity. We have a hope in Christ. In the book of Romans we are told that God is the ultimate good and that He has the power to bring light to all darkness. Badness is goodness turned wrong, but that is not how the world will forever be. Goodness reigns. God has won.