We are all broken people (If you are the exception, then the remainder of this post does not apply to you). Whether we realize it or not is a different story. That's the main message and point of Christ, that light overcame darkness, and that out love a good, personal, all-powerful God became flesh to die an innocent, murderous death so that all of humanity may have eternal life, as well as experience selfless love and life here on earth by choosing to do so until His returning day. The ultimate love story of all time is one that centers on spiritual warfare, as good battles evil and in the end overcomes sin. I think this is the first step in understanding Christianity: realizing sin. Sin. A concept that many see as man-made or just socially constructed and one that I do not believe is, at least not wholly. Objective truth exists, I would argue, and in our society we tend to put labels on what that really means, and especially regarding sin, but whether or not as people we realize sin exists is up to us. Do not mistake me; sin exists whether or not we want it to. However, we must acknowledge the presence of it in order to transition into the next steps of repentance and restoration. God has provided all that we need to know Him and His goodness. We just have to see and accept.
What is brokenness? It's darkness. It's despair. It's hopelessness. It's failure. It's isolation. It's loneliness. It's that moment when you realize that the world is fallen, whether because of your own circumstance or someone else's. It's that time you met a girl who's mom, after being trafficked sexually, died from AIDS and abandoned her sweet daughter who now carries on the disease while trying to enjoy childhood but who is in a healing process all her own due to physical and psychological scars. That's the story of the girl in the picture to the right. In moments such as this, is all hope lost? No, because there is still life, spiritually, that is better and more wholesome than anything else in this world. Faith is about living for something that you know to be true and good and bigger than you. The world is broken, and as people, each person is a part of that brokenness. Me. You. We are a part of this world. I think Christianity is all about this: realizing one's brokenness and seeing the light that is Christ on how to live selflessly. When we realize that we need a Savior, then we see how we are able to intentionally choose to live a life of love, faith, and hope. Then, it is through brokenness that restoration begins to make a healing path.
Prayer for the broken:
We often don't realize how broken we are, but humanity is overwhelmed with a spiritual need, the longing for goodness and for You. Often we pour out when we need to be poured into, or sometimes just the opposite. Sometimes we don't see the need for pouring out love or taking it in at all. Show us that we need You. Show us that we need community. Help us to love all people, regardless of sin, and let us act out of wisdom and love that comes from You. Help us to look for the best in others. Let us love others out of obedience of You. Give us a dependent spirit. Let us surrender control in submission to Your existence and will. Humble us. Let our spirits be ones of giving. Motivate us. Help us see and know Your glory and through that see our unworthiness. Remind us of Your love. Thrill us to be used by You and for You. Let us rejoice in others. Even in our learning, show us that there is still so much to be learned. We do not stop growing. Let us be selfless. Let us, as believers, be open to our brothers and sisters. Show us the importance of community. Show us where we are wrong. Let humility consume us. Let us be real. Let us know our identity is in You alone. Your opinion is the only one that matters. Let us die to our own reputation. Break down the barriers we put up. Help us admit fault and seek forgiveness. Help us deal in clarity and specifics. Give us to desire to grieve over our sin. Help us sharpen one another in love. Let humanity see the need of repentance and give us the desire to do so. Help us forsake all else but You. Let us take initiative to be reconciled and help us know vengeance is not ours but Yours. Let us see Your holiness and be desperate for mercy. Lord, as Your children, let us walk in the light. Give us a continual heart towards repentance. Let us forever seek a need to be filled up with an encounter with the Holy Spirit. We love You and we thank You, for You are good.
In Him,
Your children