I love this song.
End of story.
Last night I attended an event called Midnight Worship, a newly established weekly worship and fellowship time on the campus of Abilene Christian University (if you're in Abilene, come on out and give it a try). As we sang this song as one, every heart in the room was clearly welcoming in the presence of the Holy Spirit, and it was such a beautiful sight. Some had hands held high, some clapped, some danced, some simply soaked in God's presence in the stillness of His Spirit. My soul yearns for worship such as this. The type of worship my generation so often loves is a unique sort, because it focuses on freedom. We have hardly any expectations-except for God to show up. We have hardly any structure-except that which the Holy Spirit forms.
(To read a post on my thoughts on generational worship, click here).
One of the great gifts of college-aged peoples is our passion. We are nothing if not passionate, and though this takes various forms-especially in regards to worship-a common way is shown in shouts of praise. So many of us find unity and empowerment in standing together and proclaiming the glories of God. It's beautiful and it's powerful and I love it.
I firmly believe in the power of words. There is power in prayer because it is truth spoken. When the people of God shout His truth in song and praise, the demons flee and any and all powers of hell fall. Walls are broken, bonds are cut, and freedom happens. Darkness cannot remain as light pierces through the shadows.
[In all things, we are more than conquerors in Christ].