As I sat on a white wooden swing and looked out at the landscape, my soul was stirred and I was reminded of how we see God in the sweet calming times. We learn so much about His character in these instances. 1 Corinthians 13 ran across my heart as the Spirit spoke in the same instant:
'Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy. Love does not boast. It is not proud or rude. It is not self-seeking. It keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects and it always trusts. Love never fails'.
It seems like every day I learn more and more about God and His love, and yet I feel as if every day I am left with the realization that I can never learn enough. There is always more to learn about God. Even if I have learned a lesson before, my soul often needs reminding.
So, there I was, sitting and enjoying being still in the presence of the Lord and dwelling on His promises, when I looked up and saw a most glorious sight: a man on one knee. Taken aback momentarily, my jaw slightly dropped and my lips began to curve upward as realization dawned on what was about to take place. It was quite obvious-though still also clearly a surprise due to the expression on the woman's face-that this man on one knee was proposing. Watching this beautiful moment unfold before my eyes, I remembered the Nikon P510 sitting in my lap, the lens pointed up at me as to say, 'Pick me up! Use me for what I was made for!' Immediately I did so and, using the zoom, focused in on the couples' special moment. 'I cannot believe I am sitting here watching this, right now, and that I would look up at the exact photogenic moment while being in the possession of a camera with a stinking awesome zoom and quality lens!'. I snapped some shots and then just watched for a moment as the bride-to-be nodded her head up and down (thankfully, otherwise the photo-taking would've been beyond awkward on my part...) and they shared a kiss and then a hug. Of course the moment was like watching a movie in real life right before my eyes, but then a different thought came to my mind: this is exactly how Christ has portrayed His love for His Church-the unified body of Christ. God was reminding me of what He has done for me and for you and for every single person. He has offered the most stunning of engagement rings, but His gift of salvation is much more precious than any diamond. He has promised us eternal life, though His proposal is much more assuring than any man-made oath. He has loved us with an everlasting love, and this love-Agape love-is the ultimate example of how each person should love another-unconditionally. While watching these two separate souls take a step into furthering their relationship and getting one step closer to being one in every way, I was on the spot thankful, because it was clear that God was affirming our relationship by allowing me to witness this special moment. He doesn't need to prove Himself, but He does so anyway simply on the basis that He loves me. Watching these two people devote themselves to one another reminded me what it is for man to be created in the image of God-that humans are literally to be the image-bearers of God-and it moved my soul. What a sweet, joyful, wonderful moment. What a happy surprise.
As the couple walked out from where they had been, I walked up to them and, after introducing myself and explaining what had just occurred, offered to email the photos I had taken of their once-in-a-lifetime moment. Overjoyed that I had been there at the proper time and had captured their special experience, they responded that they would love to receive the pictures. We chatted for a bit and shared congratulations, and as we departed ways I couldn't help but appreciate one more aspect of the entire event: the bride-to-be was overwhelmed to the point of tears. She not only accepted the proposal, but she was overjoyed at what had taken place. She couldn't wait to marry the man that she truly loved in every way. She and I had only just met, but she excitedly exclaimed, 'I'm engaged!' over and over again, showing me her ring at every which angle. Her heart was swelling with happiness at the thought of her now not-too-far-off wedding day. I want to be that excited for Jesus. I want to be moved to tears at the thought of being His sweet chosen loved one.
The Casting Crowns lyrics danced through my mind, 'What a glorious day my beloved one's bringing'.
How beautiful will that day be? When all believers will stand with the angels in song, proclaiming victory and triumph and praises to our One True King-our beloved Jesus Christ. What a day that will be, when the Church-the Bride of Christ-is finally beautifully and wholly reconciled with her groom. Eagerly we await our King's return, and until then we are to joyfully proclaim the proposal He has made to each of us-sweet life, both present and eternal, for anyone who accepts His gift of salvation, full of freedom and grace and healing. Let us be beautifully bold in declaring what our first love has done. Let us tell of His love. His engagement is of the best kind; a divine engagement.
'When we arrive at eternity's shores, where death is just a memory and tears are no more. We'll enter in as the wedding bells ring. Your bride will come together and we'll sing, ''You're beautiful''.
-Phil Wickham