C.S. Lewis' book, 'Mere Christianity', is one that analyzes the Christian faith and simply states it for what it is, has been, and will be, and the novel has no intentions of swaying denominations, converting beliefs, or raising conflict, but rather it is a book that looks at life and relates it to faith and religion with fact and philosophy. Lewis addresses many questions that plague society, some which he answers thoroughly and others which he admits there may not be answer to, either because an answer is not needed, one that cannot be known, or one that exceeds the limited understanding of humanity is the only in existence. This novel is not written to impose nor introduce. Lewis states, 'It is not an alternative to the creeds of existing communions but indeed is more of a hall out of which doors open into several rooms'. The house, being the Christian faith, is one of welcoming and holiness, and that is what Lewis is explaining through his thoughts, statements, and words in, 'Mere Christianity', as he addresses historical context, biblical accuracy, and moral philosophy.
This novel is the one that I will be analyzing over the course of time, and it is one that has spoken to me and grown my faith immensely over the past two years, and my prayer is that it can do the same for you. If anything, I hope that the words and ideas presented here can act as inspiration. If you choose to read the book, which I very much hope that you do, I urge you to consider the ideas Lewis suggests. After reading this book twice through and annotating it both times, I have concluded that I very much agree with the content and how it pertains to the Christian faith.
I'm very excited to blog about it all and I hope that you enjoy the journey as well!
Here is an online link with the book, should you choose to read it for yourself:
Here is an online link with the forward (information on Lewis' life and conversion):