I think about faith a lot, which really is ironic because it is so difficult to think on at all. The topic is mind-boggling, to say the least, but that's why I love it so much, because as challenging as it may be to understand or define, when played out in life true faith yields the most beautiful fruit of all.
'Faith is not based merely on raw authority. Faith is not a response to raw authority; faith is a response to the revelation of light'.
–John Piper
Think on that for a moment.
Faith is likely the most challenging concept in existence to define, but perhaps that's as it should be, for faith is not shown in word or speech but rather in deed and truth. The Word tells us that:
'So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless'. -James 2:17 (NLV)
'Dear children, let us not merely say that we love each other; let us show truth by our actions'. -1 John 3:18 (NLV)
If true faith can only be reflected by actions, then why do we expect it to be so easily defined by words?
'Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see'. -Hebrews 11:1 (NLV)
Faith, hope, and love go hand in hand in hand, which is perfectly sensible as the Word also tells us it is impossible to please the Lord without faith-yet He loves us anyway. He is faithful to us even when we are faithless.
So, is faith due God because He is God? Yes, but this is not all. I do not have faith in a malicious ruler. My hope is not in a faulty Supreme Being. The God I serve does not simply say that He loves me. He doesn't make flaky promises or rule under false pretenses. We are called to love God because He has displayed His love for us. Authority is not the sole purpose for faith-loving Him and other people because of the ultimate hope that we have in Jesus Christ is. The basis of faith also must stem from a loving heart who has seen the 'revelation of light', as Piper says.
I see faith most prevalent in those that whole-heartedly love others. When a person loves without limits because of what they believe has been done for them, that speaks true faith more than any other way. Perhaps my favorite part regarding faith is that it can be passed on to inspire others to love with faith, too. It's much like pixie dust (Peter Pan, anyone?). When Pan is attempting to teach Wendy and her brothers to fly, he provides them the solution: happy thoughts and pixie dust. Thoughts alone won't do the job, but when Pan shares the magic in his heart-twinkling pixie dust-all of the other children can fly, too. Faith is that way. Faith is the shining gift in the heart of every believer that spurs on a mindset of grace and a lifestyle of unconditional love, but it is not a gift to be kept secret. Faith is a sparkling present to be shared. We should not just think about faith or speak about faith, but rather we should share our faith with others by living as children of light and producing actions of love. Faith gives us wings to fly. It brings hope, joy, truth, and all other aspects of goodness.
Faith points straight back to the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Have you tasted and seen that God is good?
Look around and see that He is for you. He has started a good work in you and will be faithful to complete it. Even the most dire of circumstances has a pinch of hope (if not a great deal more!) because it has potential to produce perseverance and character. Seek His face today. Dwell in His love. Open a Bible and read the scriptures. Study the life of Jesus Christ. Love people unconditionally today. Ask the Spirit to speak to you, or pray for God to reveal Himself. His goodness is all around.
Have faith, friend.