I know that not all of this blog's readers are female, but today's post is primarily for the ladies (sorry guys). God is moving within our gender and especially among my generation, raising up spiritual female leaders to do His work and live out His kingdom purposes. In years previously this sort of movement would not have been possible for various reasons, the most pressing one being that equality for women in the Church was unwelcome, condemned and looked down upon or perhaps even feared. Over time, however, women have begun to speak up, as if to say 'I have a place in leading the kingdom, too'.
As if we're finally grasping the idea that to lead is to serve.
And we are all called to serve.
In our society and world today women are gaining equality in various areas of life: in regards to intellect, academia, the workplace, and now the Church. This movement is rapidly increasing with each passing day, and it's a movement that is inspiring and refreshing to me to say the least. It's as if women find it impossible to not live meaningful lives these days, and in regards to the Church it's as if women are so captivated by the love of Christ that they, that we, can hardly hold it in. We want to live out His love because this realization has dawned upon us all: Jesus is for us, too.
I am blessed to attend a university that believes in this concept, in this truth that women can live out the kingdom and calling of Jesus. There are so many days that I sit in class and think about how many women before me desired to major in Biblical Text and were told 'no'. As I think about graduating and Lord-willing attending Graduate School, I am overwhelmed to be a part of a generation that is not only allowed but encouraged to pursue Jesus in regards to studies and to embrace roles and vocations that revolve around furthering the kingdom of God.
The number of Jesus Feminists is rapidly growing, an empowering truth that should be embraced. The term 'Jesus Feminist' was coined by Sarah Bessey, and she discusses it at length in her novel, Jesus Feminist. What she argues is this: for years the Church has placed limitations on women within the Church, but the time has come to embrace women's empowerment as it pertains to the love of Christ and the kingdom of God. It's a freeing book that is written from a place of vulnerability, boldness, and courage.
Jesus Feminism is rising, because each day more and more women fall more and more in love with Jesus Christ, and as this happens more women are responding to His call in their, in our, lives: to spread His love, to bring the kingdom, and to live for Him. It's a movement that affects us all, regardless of gender or generation, but it is a movement that especially affects us that fall within the realm of the entire movement itself. For those of us who are female, it most certainly has influence-or at least the potential to. For those of us who are female and also love Jesus, it not only makes an impact but offers an invitation, one that asks us to join with other Jesus Feminists and respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, all for the glory of our sweet Savior Jesus Christ.
Now a natural question arises: why? Why should Jesus Feminists multiply and inspire the revival of more Jesus Feminists?
With women serving in the Church through various forms and mediums comes more diversity, a characteristic that is incredibly reflective of the heart of God. When the love of Christ is open to women, suddenly the kingdom becomes inclusive rather than exclusive. Women bring much to the table, including our intellect, our voices, and our experiences-all of which God can move and work in.
When more women are inspired to live for Jesus, then more women begin to passionately encounter God and His love. When more people encounter the love of Christ, then more people begin spreading the love of Christ, and in this the kingdom of God begins to collide with Earth.
This, perhaps, is the biggest reason for us to encourage Jesus Feminism, because when we do, radical obedience to God takes place.
Heaven comes to Earth in a sweet and unique way.
If you're a female and you love Jesus, then I encourage you. Use your gifts, passions, and voice for Him, because He has made you for it. He has made you to serve, made you to love.
In doing this, in empowering women through the power of Jesus Christ, men are not to be wiped from the equation. The goal of Jesus Feminism is not to stomp out the guys from the kingdom of God.
If this is the the point of any Jesus movement, then it's not really a Jesus movement, because the love of Christ is for us all.
Unity is the goal, unity is the passion and drive behind the love of God.
We're all needed in the kingdom of God. We all have unique testimonies to bring to the table, and indeed that's all we have: evidence of God working in our lives.
So let's bring them. Let's unite together and spread His name and love for the glory of the kingdom.
For further encouragement, check out these on-fire-for-Jesus females:
Sarah Bessey
Rachel Held Evans
Jennie Allen
Emily Maynard
Beth Moore
Ann Voskamp
Rebekah Lyons
Even among these women there is diversity. Cultural differences exist, they are not all of the same generation, and even regarding hermeneutics (scriptural interpretation) there are differing views. However, each of those women (and many more like them) are united in who they believe Jesus Christ is: the Son of God, the Savior of All, and the Suffering Servant who gave His life so that we may be free from our sin.
He exemplified the kingdom of God, and He has asked us to partake in it alongside Him.