Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Blessings

When Friday of this past week arrived, I realized I had been spending energy non-stop for about a month.

I had struggled through my early-morning 8:00 am after momentarily weighing the pros and cons of attending class or not, and, after deciding that I liked my class, my professor, and my grade too much to skip out, I slapped a hat on my greasy in-need-of-a-wash hair and set out, travel coffee mug in hand. I had one more class after the first in which I presented a small project, and then came chapel.

And also a caffeine crash.

One of my friends asked me if I was okay, and I really was, but I was just tired. Honestly I probably should've passed chapel on by and headed back to my apartment for a nap. I went to obtain the credit (as if the future ones couldn't make up for it), but I'm not sure it was worth it because all I really needed was to rest in God's presence-on my own. If you're unaware, chapel is a social atmosphere. I needed Lauren and God time. After chapel I made the mistake of joining a friend for lunch in the campus cafeteria-a mistake because I was so exhausted that I could barely focus on conversation or anything else, for example the fact that the ice cream I was eating had nuts mixed in resulting in me having an allergic reaction. I was so tired that I didn't realize I was consuming that which I know can make me sick.

This was my wake up call. I realized that I needed to do two things: take a nap and spend quality time with God.

The rough Friday morning helped me to realize I needed to rest, and that's exactly what I did (staycation anyone?). I had the apartment to myself as my roommate was out of town with her boyfriend at a Mumford & Sons concert (cutest of the cute), so I took advantage of being the only one home and transformed our place into a mini-spa for the whole of Saturday.

Out of a reflective and rejuvenated soul, here are some little nuggets of thankfulness:

Technology is an integral part of our world today, and though this can be beneficial, it can also be destructive. Sometimes we need to say that the text message can wait. It's alright if we miss the latest Twitter update. The world will not end if Facebook goes unchecked today. I've  taken breaks from blogging before for one reason or another. The point is sometimes there is reason to disconnect. Growing up, I hiked in Colorado multiple summers and skied in New Mexico various winters. Those vacations were some of my favorites, because there is just something so fulfilling-something so glorious-about being in the midst of nature with no cell phones or social networking sites to distract. Sometimes I need to be in a beautiful place to clear my head. Thankfully, I don't have to travel to the mountains to experience this solitude. I can simply go for a walk outside or create a safe haven inside-a place that embraces simplicity. Yesterday I disconnected for a few hours by switching my phone to silent and turning it facedown on our living room coffee table and going before the throne of grace on my knees in prayer. Sweet relief.

Check out this article on how iPhones are scarily a significant part of social culture today.

Snail Mail
Writing and receiving letters brings me peace and joy. There is something so lovely about turning thoughts into words, and who doesn't enjoy a hand-written note? It's thoughtful, reflective, and meaningful. Additionally, because letters are tangible they can be kept as keepsakes and memorabilia to look back on with fondness. I wrote three letters this weekend: one to my host-sister, one to a sweet girl from a bible study this past summer, and one to my Father, thanking Him for all that He has taught me about His love and character this past month.

Knit Socks
It just wouldn't be a relaxing weekend without them (I also think they increase my anticipation for fall weather). The lounging experience is complete when comfiness makes an entrance.

Have you truly rested as of late? Perhaps God is tugging on your heart to spend time pressing deep into His side. Oftentimes we get so caught up in the messiness of our world or the craziness of life that we neglect quality time with the only One who can satisfy our souls.

There's no place I'd rather be than sitting at the feet of the One who loves.