Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Blessings

Last weekend I was out of town, and due to car trouble I was not able to return to Abilene until a late hour by which time I was frankly too tired to document my blessings into cyberspace. That being said, today's Sunday blessings will count for the past two weeks.

As a reminder, the purpose of this series is so that in counting my blessings I am reminded to fix my eyes on the Giver of Light. Counting my blessings reminds me why I am blessed at all: to bless other people. As children of God let's not hoard our blessings, but rather let's live lives of gratitude for the One from whom all blessings flow.

Let's store up heavenly treasures rather than earthly ones.


After a rather spur of the moment decision my family decided to come visit me after my shift at work ended yesterday evening. I showed them around my cute little town of Abilene, Texas (it's almost ridiculous how much I love this place), and we spent sweet hours catching up and enjoying one another's presence. My family is most likely similar to yours: unique in our own way, dysfunctional at times, and forever having each others backs. I love them and it was refreshing to see familiar faces. Two weekends ago other family members came to visit, and next weekend even more are! So much to be thankful for.


Sometimes we simply need to abide in the Lord's presence, and what I mean by this is to simply be still and soak: soak up His word, soak up His Spirit, and soak up His love. Oftentimes God gives me a nudge to remind me to stop the glorification of busy. In the American culture especially we thrive on productivity, even to the point at times of making it an idol. As the Church we need to realize this and encourage one another to slow down and make time to rest. In dwelling in God's presence we are restored and renewed. I used to think that restoration was a one-time happening, that before I knew Jesus I was messy and broken and attacked, and then I accepted Him as Savior and BAM-I was healed. This is an incorrect view of restoration, I think, because though we are saved eternally at acceptance and we receive healing right then and there, we are still in need of healing after that moment, because as we continue to live our lives we are still messy, broken, and attacked. The difference is that from that point forward we know the Great Healer, and He delights to take care of us. Resting in God's presence should be a weekly if not daily happening. We should live lives of abiding, letting God heal us every day.

We are progressively sanctified-made more and more like Jesus each day.
We are progressively healed-made more and more complete each day.


Pinpoint your blessings today, and then be a blessing to other people. Rest in His glorious presence today. Be restored. Be renewed. He makes all things new.