Aggie Football
From the outside looking in, you can't understand it. From the inside looking out, you can't explain it. Aggie football is truly a unique experience, and-for me at least-once an Aggie always an Aggie. College football is my favorite over NFL anyway, because it's ten times more unpredictable and fun to watch, and with the Aggies this season every game is an unexpected adventure. With Johnny Manziel literally dancing into the endzone and two intersections happening within twenty seconds of each other, I was absolutely beside myself with laughter. Was everything I was watching on the screen actually happening? Apparently so, and let's not forget the moment when Mike Evans forgot he was playing football and hurdled a full-grown man on the field. I guess he wanted to display the inner track-star that was being suppressed deep down inside of him. At this point I completely lost it. The game was hilariously ridiculous, but incredibly enjoyable to watch at the same time. My adrenaline levels were pumping throughout the entire game-the score was way too stinking close for comfort!
This will probably be the most American sentence I ever type on this blog: I'm thankful for college football. I am going to an A&M game in two weeks with one of my best friends, and I can't wait!
Lively, Playful Dispositions
Doesn't that picture simply make your heart a little warmer? Laughter is contagious, and perhaps that is one of the attributes that makes it so beautiful. Yesterday I was scheduled to work for six hours, and by the end of the time it felt as if only six minutes had passed! My coworkers brighten my day, and it's the same reason as the picture above does: they have cheerful hearts that delight in anything ridiculous. As we worked we laughed and joked, and it was lovely. There's something so freeing about being able to live and laugh abundantly.
To find the fun in any act.
To speak life with every word.
To live all moments in the presence of YHWH.
'For in your presence is the fullness of joy'. -Psalm 16:11To not waste a single day.
To be a little bit weird, because being normal is overrated.
To be a little bit goofy, because being silly is being vulnerable.
To run bases, to play in the rain, to slay dragons, to imagine (while you're working a six hour shift).
To be clothed in strength.
To laugh without fear of whatever is to come.
To welcome the presence of laughter, because it, as Victor Hugo writes, 'is the sunshine that chases winter from the face'.
Quotes Like This
Mark Twain spoke some of the most profound words, and he always did so with amazing cunning, wit, and tact. Sometimes I wish he were around today to comment on the craziness of politics or the seriousness From his novels, he seemed like a light-hearted guy. His words find the bright side in every situation. Nothing is without sunshine to him. One my favorite quotes is the one above: wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. Our society seems to constantly be finding ways to maintain youth, and while I don't think anyone is ever to old to grow younger, this is rather different than what our culture strives to do. We should maintain a youthful spirit-not grasp at a physical appearance. Growing old is seen as a daunting and terrible experience, and perhaps there are some negative aspects of it, but it seems as if there are far more positive ones. We oftentimes forget that growing old is a blessing in itself, and it is denied to many people. Naturally, with growing older comes growing wrinkles, and we could strive for smooth skin and chemicals and controlling our outer appearance by contorting our inner self, or we could find peace with our bodies and allow nature to run its course. We could see the wrinkles as smile-prints of one who has lived a joyful life.
I hope I remember Mark Twain's words every day of my life.
What makes you laugh today? What brings a smile to your face? What brings you joy or allows you to have a lively and playful disposition?
Find life's blessings.
Thank the Giver of Light.
This is well with our souls.