'I'm convinced that we should be passionate about emphasizing both devotional readings and theological readings of the Bible in the context of the Church. Both benefit a person individually and the church corporately. When appropriated in a way that only emphasizes devotional readings to the exclusion of solid biblical studies. Devotions should not be dogma and theology should not limit the voice of the Spirit. We need to allow these two ways of reading the Scriptures to complement each other appropriately while simultaneously emphasizing the ways in which they are distinct.' Read more here...
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Reflections on How We Read the Bible by Kurt Willems
I very much enjoyed a post I recently read from anabaptist writer and pastor Kurt Willems that expresses the view of bringing together a proper studying of theology as well as lectio divina (otherwise known as 'quiet time' or 'devotional time') in order to gain a full balance of the head and the heart working together to grow in one's knowledge of Christ as well as one's likeness of Him. Give it a read! Agree? Disagree? Super intriguing stuff!