Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Afternoon Tea: Devotion

I'm reading through the book of Acts right now and with each chapter my awe for Paul's devotion to God grows, and not only Paul but Timothy and other Christians show absolute faithfulness to Jesus through thick and thin. In chapter twenty-four Paul is sentenced to two years in prison for spreading the gospel and helping other people to become followers of the Way, which is what Christ-followers were called before the term 'Christian' came into existence. Paul stood for Christ's goodness and truth no matter what; through beatings, floggings, jailing, mockers, unbelievers. The obstacles didn't matter because God's truth stood firm and was more important, and that's how it is today, though few express this in our world. How many people can you think of who devote their lives to the gospel? How many people do you know who seek to know God better daily? Some do, but many do not. Those who try fail often. Though some commit to a life of a disciple, there are far too few. Each person is called to live as a Christ-follower. I tend to forget how sustaining God is when my life becomes busy or burdened. I seek life and love in things of this world, setting myself up for failure and idolizing creations rather than the Creator, and I am constantly being reminded that God is the only source of life and love. God is love. For that, we should show complete devotion. He is faithful to us. We are called to live and love in Him, by Him, for Him, and with Him. We are called to seek the Lord with our very being, completely and wholeheartedly.