A loving King who calls me higher than comfortable complacency
Painting and drawing and creating and getting messy
Nutritious noms and the art of cooking
Blessings upon blessings.
God, in all of His glorious goodness, is not a sugar coated concept or a bland idea. He is a marvelous being, a complex Presence, and He reveals all of His characteristics to His children simply because He loves us. He is kind. He is wild. He is loving. He is dangerous. He cannot be kept in a box and yet He puts a very bit of Himself inside each and every one of us, if only we will accept Him. He is good.
Creating is where my soul goes to live. Having a vision is one gift but being able to mold and sculpt and paint a vision into reality is one of the best gifts our Father bestows upon us, for in creating I am reminded of the Ultimate Creator. When I spend hours with splashes of color and come out elbows deep in messiness, I am reminded of God's diversity and uniqueness. It all points to Him.
Eating is one of my favorite pastimes (really). The Lord warns us from gluttony but delights in our cooking, for even in this can He be glorified. How loving of Him to make food a joy! As a friend of mine pointed out yesterday, food is the one thing that every human being needs-we cannot live without it. God could've allowed food to be bland or unenjoyable, but He makes it flavorful. He makes it yummy. He makes it fun!
All because He loves us.