Today I've done absolutely nothing productive other than start this blog. Yesterday was my nineteenth birthday, and I studied most of the day away until attending an a cappella concert by a group called Apotheosis, an extremely talented group of college guys of all classes who combine carefree silliness with serious amounts of talent to produce an entertaining show. After the performance, I spent time with dear friends of mine, time well-spent that I wouldn't change one minute of, but on the downside I didn't return to my apartment until well past two in the morning. Thus, I accidentally slept in this morning, missing church, but thankfully my pastor podcasts all of his sermons online for those of us who sleep through their alarms. I haven't had to turn to the podcasts all year, but today I'll be utilizing them most definitely for the first time. When I woke up around one p.m. today, I stayed in bed until around five o'clock when hunger finally got the best of me, forcing me to get up and indulge in a college student's portion of microwaveable macaroni and cheese. What did I do in those four hours of laying in bed you may ask? Pinterest can be incredibly time consuming, folks, and then there's all of those episodes of 'New Girl' that I was behind on due to exams and studying my life away the past three weeks. I can now proudly report that I am all caught up on my TV shows and have successfully planned the next three years of my life on Pinterest. It was a much needed and much appreciated lazy kind of day, and let me just clarify that I hardly ever allow myself a full day of 'vegging out'. Life is too short and too full of 'To-Do' lists to just lay around not getting anything done. However, the business of this semester has been piling up and after this weekend, my mind and body needed a day to relax. After Pinterest could satisfy me no longer and Facebook had become futile, I began to catch up on some blogs I follow, some on theology, some regarding international missions, and others simply updates on friends' and families lives. While reading through the posts and pages, I was reminded that I wanted to start a blog sometime in the near future that would share my thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned pertaining to Christianity and particularly how to remain firm in the Faith throughout the college years. I spent some time in prayer about this, and after receiving confirmation from the Lord and consulting with friends and family, I felt confident in producing a blog. Coming to Texas A&M has challenged my faith in numerous ways, many that I will address in detail through posts and all of which have taken me through different seasons, some dry and some plentiful, but all of the different challenges have been fruitful and in the end glorifying to God. After a full year of college, I am able to look back and see how the Lord has grown me in unexpected as well as anticipated ways, and though I know He isn't near finished with me yet, I am sure that because He has begun a good work, He will be faithful to complete it. It's because of these challenges that I feel called to start a blog, so that I may share what the Lord has taught me about Him, His word and His Son, and hopefully it will serve helpful to readers and/or spur conversation/thoughts about Christianity and pursuing the Faith in the chapter of life this world calls college. Happy reading!