juices flowing. My blog serves as an outlet, and so in that, it partially exists for myself.
The ultimate purpose is not for myself, however, because more gratifying than posting my own thoughts are hearing the thoughts of others, and even more than that I love the beauty of seeing the response of others. When one person is encouraged or inspired, then that is the best sort of feeling, because in that moment my blog has served another person. That's my prayer for this blog-that it serves other people through encouragement and the sharing of truths that our sweet Father has put on my heart. If a post can lift one person's spirits, if a sentence can bring a simple smile to someone's face, and if a topic can motivate one person's thought process, then all of the time spent on this site is worth it to me.
Here's the catch, though (and probably one of many): my blog is centered around the faith that I have in Jesus Christ, and that is a focus that words could not possibly describe.
God is impossible to describe in a tweet. I can write scripture and quotes on post-its until my entire bathroom mirror is covered, but it cannot communicate the full extent of God's love. The Almighty Father cannot be contained with the walls of a blog post. Scripture tells us that a thousand worlds cannot contain and a thousand words can not explain the vast richness of our Father's love.
And when you get right down to it, that's all this blog consists of: words.
Words are powerful. Words have the potential to build somebody up or to break somebody down.
There's an old saying: 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me'. I personally don't believe this at all, and in fact I consider it downright inaccurate. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can break my entire being down! Consider this: we've all had that moment when a word of encouragement made us felt as if we could conquer the world, while at the same time we've all experienced our moods plummeting to the depths of the darkest abyss because of a foul word someone spoke, a rumor that was spread about us, or a harsh comment that was thrown our way. Words are powerful-there's no denying this truth. As powerful as they are, they aren't powerful enough to communicate God, and here is why I say this: God is not meant primarily to be discussed.
We can tell about truth all we want. All of us passionate Jesus-freaks can blog and preach, we can share our thoughts and proclaim our beliefs, but all of our attempts will fail because mere words are trying to put into words what was never meant to be limited to speech.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ-the love that He has lavished on us-is not meant to be simply spoken. We are meant to experience God. We are meant to live out our faith. We are meant to personally know Jesus on a deeper level so that our knowledge of His love will flow out through our actions in our everyday lives.
So, if you read my blog, I am overwhelmed. I am thankful. I am grateful and humbled and flattered. I can only hope these words will fall upon eyes, ears, and hearts that need to hear whatever the Holy Spirit calls me to post. However, if you read these words but let it stop there, then I would not want you to read it. If I posted these posts and let it stop there, then I would not want to post anything.
[Not that we are to strive for perfection through works, but rather we are to respond in Faith out of brokenness when we experience redemption-the pure revelation of light].
To end: my blog does not matter at all-no blog, novel, sermon, devo-book, or sentence-matters in the slightest if we do not experience Love and because of that extend Love.
People do not need blogs. They don't need books. We don't need mere human words. What we need is to get on our knees and dwell on grace. We need to receive the Lord's Spirit. We need to welcome His Presence. Experiencing God is what will transform our lives so that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus to every man, woman, and child.
I can define my blog as a creative outlet. I can explain to you the reasoning behind it's beginnings or the purpose I hope it serves, but really, all my blog amounts to is pieces of my life that I enjoy sharing with friends and family around the world due to testimonies being the biggest witnesses of Faith. All of these posts (that often feel word-vommitted) are merely fragments from the existence of a hopelessly broken college girl who just happens to be saved by a truly awesome God, and of any words I could possibly put forth, the only ones that matter are this: words pale in comparison to truly experiencing God.
Let us experience God and because of that extend God.
Here's the catch, though (and probably one of many): my blog is centered around the faith that I have in Jesus Christ, and that is a focus that words could not possibly describe.
God is impossible to describe in a tweet. I can write scripture and quotes on post-its until my entire bathroom mirror is covered, but it cannot communicate the full extent of God's love. The Almighty Father cannot be contained with the walls of a blog post. Scripture tells us that a thousand worlds cannot contain and a thousand words can not explain the vast richness of our Father's love.
And when you get right down to it, that's all this blog consists of: words.
Words are powerful. Words have the potential to build somebody up or to break somebody down.
There's an old saying: 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me'. I personally don't believe this at all, and in fact I consider it downright inaccurate. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can break my entire being down! Consider this: we've all had that moment when a word of encouragement made us felt as if we could conquer the world, while at the same time we've all experienced our moods plummeting to the depths of the darkest abyss because of a foul word someone spoke, a rumor that was spread about us, or a harsh comment that was thrown our way. Words are powerful-there's no denying this truth. As powerful as they are, they aren't powerful enough to communicate God, and here is why I say this: God is not meant primarily to be discussed.
We can tell about truth all we want. All of us passionate Jesus-freaks can blog and preach, we can share our thoughts and proclaim our beliefs, but all of our attempts will fail because mere words are trying to put into words what was never meant to be limited to speech.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ-the love that He has lavished on us-is not meant to be simply spoken. We are meant to experience God. We are meant to live out our faith. We are meant to personally know Jesus on a deeper level so that our knowledge of His love will flow out through our actions in our everyday lives.
So, if you read my blog, I am overwhelmed. I am thankful. I am grateful and humbled and flattered. I can only hope these words will fall upon eyes, ears, and hearts that need to hear whatever the Holy Spirit calls me to post. However, if you read these words but let it stop there, then I would not want you to read it. If I posted these posts and let it stop there, then I would not want to post anything.
[Not that we are to strive for perfection through works, but rather we are to respond in Faith out of brokenness when we experience redemption-the pure revelation of light].
To end: my blog does not matter at all-no blog, novel, sermon, devo-book, or sentence-matters in the slightest if we do not experience Love and because of that extend Love.
People do not need blogs. They don't need books. We don't need mere human words. What we need is to get on our knees and dwell on grace. We need to receive the Lord's Spirit. We need to welcome His Presence. Experiencing God is what will transform our lives so that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus to every man, woman, and child.
I can define my blog as a creative outlet. I can explain to you the reasoning behind it's beginnings or the purpose I hope it serves, but really, all my blog amounts to is pieces of my life that I enjoy sharing with friends and family around the world due to testimonies being the biggest witnesses of Faith. All of these posts (that often feel word-vommitted) are merely fragments from the existence of a hopelessly broken college girl who just happens to be saved by a truly awesome God, and of any words I could possibly put forth, the only ones that matter are this: words pale in comparison to truly experiencing God.
Let us experience God and because of that extend God.
'Let us love not in word or speech but in truth and action'.
-1 John 3:18