Yesterday was a work day, and we worked for nine hours with only a lunch break in between. We sanded down and primed a house, a laborious but worth it task knowing that someone else would benefit from all of this hard work.
Honestly, one big way I've seen the Lord working is in regards to energy. I have been so tired on this trip. It's draining me in literally every aspect: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and I'm having to say, 'Yes Lord, I want to serve these people and you more than I want a nap'. Not that I do not rest, and our team makes sure to take multiple water breaks, but sleeping is reserved for the night hours and I have traveled to this country to actively and intentionally love. Every day I find my limits being pushed and tested. The Lord is better though, and He is faithful to sustain and provide.
Last night I also had a great talk with Erica and Jess, much of it revolving around what the Lord has been teaching me this whole past school year. It's beautiful to have met these new friends who, though I didn't know them before this week, I have already grown so close to and have been so blessed by. It's so awesome to see how we have all been learning the same lessons from our Father, and so in that we are able to encourage one another and share wisdom and stories. It's been such a glorious encouragement.
Today was such a 'bonkers' day (to borrow a word from Erica's vocabulary)-though it's been absolutely filled with the Spirit, too. It's just been so unexpected. Our village time was my favorite experience so far, and I got to spend sweet time with Kienna again. She sought me out and clung to me the entire duration of our time there. My arms were already aching from holding her after that first day, and I can only imagine what tomorrow will feel like, when the physical work day labor is combined with a day full of carrying her precious self around. She is more than worth it though. The pain is nothing compared to the joyous work of the Spirit. Kienna is shy (though opening up more and more each time I see her) but smart. Today, I told her that I loved her, and she said she knows. She loves me, too. What sweet lessons can be taken from such a child-like faith. I also had a beautiful experience with a new friend I met named Sofia from the same village of Mesaye. After determining that we are the same age, I asked her if she has brothers, sisters, or a mom or a dad nearby. She replied that she had none-she is alone when it comes to an earthly biological family, and she is only twenty years old. My heart broke for her in that moment. Not only was she living in community that still practiced voodoo at times, but she was having to go through each day alone. Honestly, at this point, I had never felt so beaten down by my surroundings. Knowing that Satan had produced so much brokenness saddened me. The impact of the sun had started to take it's toll, and the desire for a nap and a shower had long since passed. All I wanted to do was the hug this sweet girl, because the emptiness she must feel so often was weighing heavy on my heart. It's circumstances such as these that remind us to focus on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary and what is unseen is eternal. Our bodies that are outwardly wasting away yearn for a better place, and one day we will live in peace and harmony and perfect godliness, but right now we must suffer the ways of our broken world. As I sat there silently beside her about ready to ask her if we could pray, she took my hand and told me that Jezi is her Father. Tears filled my eyes as I said, 'Mine too'. I was moved so much at her beautiful faith. Even when the world around her was full of hurting and trials, she would focus her eyes on the One who heals. Her life is a perfect example of how everything rides on hope. I already wanted to pray for her, but knowing that she was a believer made me want to pray for her even more to give her encouragement. I asked her if we could pray and asked one of our awesome translators, Lubiere, to come over. He did, and through him I was able to pray over her, and she was truly thankful. I prayed that she could be a leader in her village for Christ and in many other ways, and I asked the Lord to surround her with a strong community that would be as close as family to her. More than anything, I thanked God for being our ultimate Dad and sustenance in every way. After we prayed, I asked her what church she went to and what her favorite song is, and once she replied, I asked her to teach it to me, which resulted in many laughs and mess-ups on my part and pronunciation errors, but in the end, I had learned a song in Creole and gained a new friend. God overstepped language, cultural, and social barriers today. I am so overwhelmed by how, even though we may be tired and drained in the world, we are alive and singing when we know Jesus Christ. This is truly what it is to experience the joy of the Lord being our strength. From Kienna's hugs to Sofia's song, there is joy in the love of Jesus Christ. Today was one of the most draining days yet, but God energized me in the most unexpected ways, and in all moments-the weak and the strong-He was glorified. He's so awesome. I can't get over it.