What about those times when you can't hear the voice of the Lord? In the times when God is silent, how do you respond? What about when life crushes everything you thought was solid and firm? Oftentimes blessings come through tears. The Bible promises us suffering, because we live in a broken place, but there is also a promise of hope:
'In this world, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart! For I have overcome the world'.
-John 16:33
Trials remind us that we cannot defeat Satan. Suffering makes much of God by forcing us to depend on Him, for only He can save. Only He can rescue. Without darkness, we would not need the light. The hard times remind us that we have a reason (over ten thousand!) to rejoice, always.
Clinging to scripture is one way to remind our souls of God's strength. What about a reminder of His presence? It's not always so easy to keep a mind at peace or a heart fulfilled. As much as we may wish it to be differently, there are times-there will be times-when the Lord seems to have forsaken us-even though he has not.
So, how do you respond?
First, we have reassurance that it is alright to be honest with God. Christ called out to God on the cross, 'My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?'. David, too, cried out in the Psalms, 'My God! My God! Why have you abandoned me?'. I would go so far as to say it is encouraged to let God see our raw and hurting souls. We have examples in the Word of people doing just that. Tell God exactly what is on your heart. Pray to Him about everything. Cry out to Him-not against Him.
Secondly, go to the truths that your soul knows to be true. Remind yourself of the Lord's faithfulness; what specifically has He done to capture your heart in the past? What do the scriptures say about God's very nature? We are told that He cannot disown Himself. We are told that even when we are faithless, He is faithful. Remind yourself that He works all things for the good of those that love Him. His very nature is love, along with goodness, peace, joy, strength, consistency, and many other attributes. He is God. If you believe that, then your soul can rest assured in the future hope that He has promised all believers.
Remember that we are still waiting in enemy-occupied territory for our true King to return, and until then, we are encouraged to persevere in all trials and times. We are told to run the race set out for us. We are told to keep the Faith. We are told that every move we make is for His present and future glory.
Remember that we are still waiting in enemy-occupied territory for our true King to return, and until then, we are encouraged to persevere in all trials and times. We are told to run the race set out for us. We are told to keep the Faith. We are told that every move we make is for His present and future glory.
Thirdly, take a step outside of yourself and try to see what the Lord may be teaching you. Are you in a dry season? What does God teach you in that? Are you having a hard time seeing His goodness or hearing His voice? How is God revealing Himself to you in ways that you may never have imagined?
My last encouragement is to draw near to community. I do not mean to cling to others for social fulfillment, but rather aim to serve and love on others in order to find the very heart of God. There is a balance to be had between isolation and solitude, but humans are personable creatures. We are redeemed for service. We are made to love and be loved. Community reminds us that we are not alone in our sufferings.
Be encouraged, friend!
Be encouraged, friend!