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After seeking counsel, looking into various options, engaging in much prayer and waiting on the Lord, an opportunity for me to intern has opened up in Portland, Oregon for this upcoming summer of 2014.
PORTLAND. Needless to say, I am
It wasn't where I was expecting to be originally, but now I can hardly imagine any other sort of plan. Though I am looking forward to it all, so much of the entire experience is unknown. I consider myself cultured, but Portland is going to be different, unique in the best way. Plus, it's just a new experience, so naturally I'm a little intimidated and a lot intrigued.
So here we are, walking out upon the waters.
Where feet may fail.
And He stands strong.
As an intern I will be working alongside Agape Church of Christ, a church planted in 2007 that works to be Jesus to the people of Portland through loving them unconditionally, building relationships, and empowering them to live with the full potential offered within the kingdom of God.
Of the various outreach ministries that Agape COC is involved with, the one that I'm most interested in working alongside is in regards to empowering men, women, and children that have been victimized and abused through various methods.
Among such methods are human trafficking, forced prostitution, sexual assault, and domestic violence.
It's easy to forget that such oppression and enslavement still exists in our world today. Oppression reigns in various avenues all around the world, however, and what's worse is that far too many people (Christians included) remain silent about such injustices. Especially in regards to women, our world tends to marginalize and downplay the seriousness of such issues.
Jesus calls His followers higher. He calls us to love, calls us to live empowered by His Spirit.
The God of the Bible is a God who believes in setting captives free, and He has invited us to partake in such happenings. He's asked us to join with Him in bringing freedom to the oppressed, in shining light into dark places.
And it's not about forcing beliefs down people's throats or arguing over theological interpretations.
It's about loving people.
It's about valuing human beings.
It's what I'm passionate about, empowering men, women, and children to love and be loved.
Along the way, I will perhaps get to teach the Bible to people. I will likely receive training regarding abuse recovery, and I will learn much about sustainability, spiritual counseling, and much else. My company will be among those who are homeless, addicts, alcoholics, and many others.
In other words, my company will be among people. Ordinary, fleshy, real, raw people who are in need of love.
Just like me.
In the months leading up to summer I am saturating this experience in prayer, and I ask you now to join with me. Pray for discernment in making any and all decisions. Pray for confirmation in these decisions (though so much has already come). Pray for the strength to love people genuinely and that I abide in the Father's side throughout the summer, for if I am not remaining in His love then I won't be able to love people. Pray for Agape Church, and pray for my fellow intern, Chris. Pray that we both are attentive to His Spirit, that we rest when we need to and move when God asks us to.
That we go where God goes and that we stay where He stays.
Pray for the people of Portland, that love is felt, seen, and experienced far and wide. Pray that Jesus is made much of.
Lastly, pray for patience as I await financial support to come in, Like various other interns I am raising my support in order to travel to and work in Portland. My goal is $2000, and if you'd like to help me reach this amount you have two options:
Donate through PayPal by clicking on the button on the side of my blog (this will be set up by next week)
Send me a Facebook message or an email letting me know how you wish to help, and I will message/email you back details on where to mail money or a check
I'm also raising support through sending support letters, working, etc.
Dear friends and family, my thanks tonight are many. First of all I am always humbled by my blog's readers. You are all more encouraging than you know. Secondly, I am overwhelmed by those who have supported me in the past in regards to kingdom work, whether that support be prayerfully or financially.
You people are just too lovely to be a part of my life, and I can't express my gratitude for you all.
So much of life is uncertain, but what I've found to be true is this:
this kingdom is glorious
this love is divine
this God is worth living for
and my heart beats wildly for it all.
For further information, check out Agape Church of Christ.