This series on a healthy Christian life has been focused on capturing how to go about starting and nourishing a relationship with the Lord. What comes next? Eternal life, yes. Two simple words that have complex meaning that I honestly can't wrap my mind around-and for good reason! I am not God. Only He is. I am very excited to get to experience the next life, to live in beautiful harmony with God and with people, forever, with no tears, trials, or badness. That is all in His timing. So, the only statement I feel alright making in regards to a conclusion of a relationship with God: there is none.
Godliness is somewhat of a paradox: trying to be godly can be too dangerous; religious efforts inevitably become self-centered. However, if we don't pay attention to our spiritual growth, how can it improve? The only answer is to focus on the only One who is holy, Jesus Christ. By setting our eyes on Him, we are able to move toward spiritual maturity. By recognizing that we aren't holy and Christ is, we are able to grow. When we see that He is the reason we have life, and have it to the full, we are able to embrace humility, respond to the love He has offered, and have a healthy relationship with Him. I think growing in God can be hard at times, because we often focus on what is in front of us, what we see. We forget that this life is not all that is in store for us. Life is quite like a novel: when a chapter ends, there is another. However, our books don't have an ending, as there are forever chapters to come, found in the unseen eternal things of God.
Our relationship with the Lord is an everlasting one. Where is the end? Well, there is none. We keep growing. We keep being loved. We keep loving. Even when we are restored and glorified with Him, there is still life. Here's to a beautiful relationship with the only One who is not fleeting! God is forever, and we are made to be forever creatures, too. There is no end to His godliness.
And with that, I conclude this series.